So here we go with the spreads, starting at page 3
So, in the last post I eluded to a 'switch-up', which is the fact that we don't see the real Lucy Frost until the end of the story. We assume Lucy is the elephant, which of course she is, in disguise, but she doesn't get lost through the story, so what are we referring to here? The characters are so absorbed in their fantasy costume play that they forget who is who inside the costumes.
This is not the main driver in this story though, what we see is Lucy consistently being left out of or feeling unable to join in the activities with the others, until she draws attention to the fact that 'Lucy' is lost & from there she controls all that transpires. Yes, this win is built on a subterfuge but as you know "if you can't join them, beat them"
As promised, I'll keep you up to date with the process & what transpires from here. The spreads have been compiled into a PDF & sent off to my agents for comments & feedback, which I'll also keep you aware of as they come in.
Even though there undoubtedly will be changes to make I need to start thinking about the colour palette & style for this project. It's always a good idea to start this process as early as possible, while you have that initial huge burst of energy for the idea. & given that there will be changes made to either the story, characters or even stylistically, know that you can only ever improve on the art. So don't be scared, I think that's what I'm trying to get out.
So here we are colouring up a sample spread, clearly unfinished & in a state of flux. & below a quick video of my process from scanned image to coloured up character. For a better look pop on over to my youtube channel.